A Boomer Appeals to Gen Z

Yeah, I am a Boomer. But I am also aware of the nightmare of our current political situation. I need to talk to you...not as some old guy lecturing you. I want to talk to you about how we need you to change the current trajectory of our country. Because when it comes down to it, it's on you to do so. These are the things we need to do. 

...things we need you to do. Because no one else will do it.

At the time of publication, several States are pursuing legislation to make it illegal to have polling places on college campuses. Texas State Rep. Carrie Isaac filed a bill seeking, recently, to ban counties from putting polling locations on college campuses. This is also taking place in Idaho and six other states. Why? They fear that young voters see what's actually going on around them. 

And don't doubt it for a minute. The right wing of our political system is all hands on deck. They want to make it exceedingly difficult for you to vote.

I have a nagging fear that your generation is apathetic towards the heart of voting. Sure, presidential elections are important, but more important; is the list of state legislators under that presidential vote. These are the right wing zealots in your state that shape and pass anti-abortion laws, laws that want to make it all but impossible for you to vote. To deny your student loan forgiveness. To impose their will upon you... To just STFU and do what you are told.

In the macro, it doesn't matter who you elect president...as long as you allow those in your state to strip you of your rights; nothing is going to change. It will only get worse for you. 

You need to vote them out of office.

My nagging fear is not only for apathy, but a lack of understanding how important those down ballot entries are. And if so, that's not your fault. Civics has pretty much been stripped out of high school curriculum over a decade ago.

The right wing is, step by step, ripping away the rights of the LBGTQ+ communities. To make them invisible...outcasts. Men older than me are legislating what goes on in a 18-year-old woman's uterus. 

They are voting to protect guns and not children. Your generation is the first ever to fear going to school and having your bodies blown apart in your own classrooms.

In Uvalde, The only way one young girl could be identified was her unique tennis shoes. But hey, hooray for guns, right? Of course, that was in Texas.

Oh yeah, save that baby in the womb...just so she can end up in a target-rich environment for the next school shooter.

They are banning the teaching of slavery in our history. They are banning books that dare to point out the darker periods of our collective experience. Likewise, they are completely denying the warming climate. Sure, everything might be good in your state, states like Michigan and Massachusetts, Oregon and Washington. But dozens of other states are herding you, vote by vote, into authoritarian rule. 

They need to keep you uninformed

The right wing has played the long game in getting just the right judges into positions to take your rights away. It makes me sick. So yeah, I am worried. I have seen the steady erosion of individual rights, rights taken away from you by nothing more than theocratic dogma. 

All taking place in statehouses across the country. In your statehouse.

 And why? Because they fear you. They don't want you aware...to be active in the democracy in which you live. Laura Ingraham from Fox News stated that plainly this past April. as has Tucker Carlson and Hannity. 

Yeah, fair and balanced.

We are living in a minority rule in many states. The right wing has gerrymandered their way into ruling you. Not leading you...ruling you. You can change this. Sure, you're going to have to stand in a line for a few hours, but those few hours will possibly be the most important hours of your life. Of our lives.

You can turn this around...if you bother to do so.

I worry you do not understand how much danger our society is in. My generation treats politics like a sporting event...blue shirts against red shirts. As long as they win, they will waive their rights away just to cheer that their side won. And I am imploring you...

Vote. Vote all the way down that ballot.

It's up to you to change the course of our country. The future of our country is depending on your generation. Because you sure as hell cannot depend on mine.



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