
Showing posts from July, 2022

Stop Being Sheep

             I've been a political observer for 40 years. My politics have shifted during that time, and what I've discovered is that, for the most part; people have become apathetic. Many are just grounded by inertia. Problems in the US have overwhelmed them, and they feel helpless. Or...  They simply sit out their constitutional right to make the changes necessary to return our laws to some semblance of sanity. I am going to attempt to show you just how dangerous your apathy is. You have the ability to change our nation's course, and you just don't want to be bothered.   That makes you a big part of the problems we face. This will be a primer of sorts, attempting to explain what is happening in our country and how you have the power to change or stop this onslaught on your rights. Most importantly, how these midterm elections in 2022 are probably the most important in our lifetime.  2022 has been a horrendous year. Voting rights h...